The SMARTEST, FASTEST and SIMPLEST updated Yash Invest is here.
A one stop solution for IFAs to cater all their business needs. Yash Invest is a uniquely created app for IFAs to improve their client engagement and grow their business - Digitally. This app allows IFAs to track their business on the go, view their client’s investment portfolio, initiate online mutual fund transaction and much more.
Key features of the Yash Invest app:
1. Asset-wise business dashboard
2. Online MF transaction (BSE integrated)
3. Client-wise portfolio view
4. Segment report
5. Track client-wise transaction
6. Financial Calculators
7. Self-branded images
8. Net Investment
9. Multi-ARN facility
10. Live SIP Report
11. TXN Auto Upload Dashboard
Meant for IFAs who are registered with Yash Invest. Although due care has been taken, we do not guarantee accuracy, completeness and authenticity of the information. This is only a utility and shall not be construed as any investment advice. We are not responsible for any discrepancies in any case whatsoever. No representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of information. Yash Invest cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in on, any information appearing in this mobile app & its website.